Meet our Team!

The EDM3 collaboration brings together a group of physicists and chemists representing world-class scientists from three universities: York University, Michigan State University, and the University of Toronto.

A group photo. People stand in front of projector with projections of 2 more people as well as the EDM cubed logo in between them. Video Screen (Left to right): Anita Ragyanszki, Cody Storry
Back (Left to right): René Fournier, Greg Koyanagi, Jaideep Singh, Eric Hessels, Karin Saltoun, Marko Horbatsch, Jorge Perez-Garcia, Amar Vutha
Front (Left to right): Zach Corriveau, Hin Man Yau, Neil McCall
Not Pictured: Matthew George, Nadav Gasner, Ethan Brooks, Quinton Weyrich


Eric Hessels

York University
A headshot of Eric Hessels.

Professor Eric Hessels is a Distinguished Research Professor and York Research Chair, with a specialization in precision measurements. He is a fellow of the American Physics Society and the Royal Society of Canada.

He has been awarded the John Charles Polanyi Prize, a Canada Research Chair, the Herzberg Medal, and the Francis M. Pipkin Award.

He has also been awarded the Presidents Research Excellence Award 2020, in recognition of his exceptional contributions to atomic, molecular and optical physics.

Eric Hessels also received the prestigious 2020 Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP).

Amar Vutha

University of Toronto
Amar Vutha holding a gyroscope.

Professor Amar Vutha is a Canada Research Chair and a recipient of the Sloan Research Fellowship and Branco Weiss Fellowship. He is also a founding member of the ACME collaboration.

Jaideep Taggart Singh

Michigan State University
A picture of Jaideep Singh.

Professor Jaideep Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and the NSCL/FRIB at Michigan State University. His research applies atomic, molecular, & optical physics techniques to answer fundamental questions in nuclear and particle physics, including EDM studies using rare-gas matrices.

Matthew George

York University
A picture of Matthew George.

Dr. Matthew George is an Assistant Lecturer in the department of physics at York University. He has a wealth of experience performing precision measurements in atomic systems. He also has a background in project management, both in industry and academia.

Marko Horbatsch

York University
 A headshot of Marko Horbatsch.

Professor Marko Horbatsch is a theorist studying interactions of atoms and simple molecules using theoretical and computational methods. He also has extensive experience modeling systematic effects for precision measurements.

Cody Storry

York University
A photo of Cody Storry is unavailable.

Professor Cody Storry is an experimentalist and collaborator on anti-hydrogen research. He has extensive experience with precision measurements, cryogenic systems and rare-gas solids (which he uses for the moderation of positrons).

René Fournier

York University
A headshot of René Fournier.

Dr. René Fournier is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Centre for Research in Mass Spectrometry at York University. He uses computational chemistry methods to study atomic clusters, molecular ions and transition metal complexes.

Research Associates

Greg Koyanagi

York University
A picture of Greg Koyanagi. He is standing at a desk.

Greg is a chemist at York University specializing in physical chemistry. He has a decades of laboratory experience both in academia and in industry. He has previously worked at the McMaster Intense Positron Beam Facility, and McMaster Nuclear Reactor, as well as at the Center for Research in Mass Spectrometry at York University.

Ushieja De Zoysa

York University
A picture of Ushieja De Zoysa.

Ushieja is a graduate student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She did her undergraduate degree in Astrophysics and Pure Mathematics at York University.

Post Docs

Ricardo Lambo

York University
A photo of Ricardo Lambo.

Ricardo is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Physics and Astronomy at York University.

Daniel Heinrich

York University
A photo of Daniel Heinrich.

Daniel is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Physics and Astronomy at York University. He is jointly supervised by Dr. Hessels and Dr. Vutha.

Anita Ragyanszki

York University
A photo of Anita Ragyanszki.

Anita is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of chemistry at York University. She is supervised by Dr. Fournier.

Alain Marsman

York University
A photo of Alain Marsman.

Alain is a postdoctoral research assistant in the department of physics at York University, working under the supervision of Profs. Horbatsch and Hessels. His focus is on computational modeling of precision atomic and molecular measurements.

Graduate Students

Zach Corriveau

York University
A picture of Zach Corriveau

Zach is a PhD student in the department of physics at York University. He is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Jorge Perez-Garcia

York University
A picture of Jorge Perez-Garcia

Jorge is a PhD student in the department of physics at York University. He is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Neil McCall

York University
A picture of Neil McCall

Neil is a PhD student in the department of physics at York University. He is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Hin Man Yau

York University
A picture of Hin Man Yau.

Hin Man is a PhD student in the department of physics at York University. He is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Undergraduate Students

There are currently no undergraduate students in the group.

EDM3 Alumni (as of August 2021)

Karin Saltoun

York University
A picture of Karin Saltoun

Karin was an undergraduate student in the department of physics at York University. During her time with the EDM3 group, she worked under the supervision of Dr. Hessels. Karin is currently a M.Sc student in Neuroscience at McGill University.

Nadav Gasner

York University
A picture of Nadav Gasner

During his time with the EDM3 group, Nadav was an undergraduate student in the department of physics at York University working under the supervision of Dr. George.

Quinton Weyrich

York University
A picture of Quinton Weyrich

During his time with the EDM3 group, Quinton was an undergraduate student in the department of physics at York University working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Ethan Brooks

York University
A picture of Ethan Brooks

During his time with the EDM3 group, Ethan was an undergraduate student in the department of physics at York University working under the supervision of Dr. Hessels.

Erin White

Michigan State University
A photo of Erin White is unavailable.

Erin is a PhD student in the department of physics at Michigan State University. During her time with the EDM3 group, she worked under the supervision of Dr. Singh. Erin is now working on Single Atom Microscope at MSU

Kellen McGee

Michigan State University
A picture of Kellen McGee

Kellen was a graduate student in the department of physics at Michigan State University. During her time with the EDM3 group, she worked under the supervision of Dr. Singh. Kellen is now a PhD student now working on FRIB Accelerator Research at MSU

Fry Fang

Michigan State University
A picture of Fry Fang.

Fry was a post-bacc undergraduate student in the department of physics at Michigan State University. During his time with the EDM3 group, he worked under the supervision of Dr. Singh. He is now a PhD Student at Notre Dame

Gordon Arrowsmith-Kron

Michigan State University
A picture of Gordon.

During Gordons time with the EDM3 group, he worked under the supervision of Dr. Singh. He is now a PhD student working on Radium EDM at MSU